Sameba Cathedral

The Holy Trinity Cathedral of Tbilisi, commonly known as Sameba Cathedral, is one of the most impressive and iconic landmarks of the city. This massive cathedral is located in the historic Avlabari district and dominates the city skyline with its distinctive golden dome that reaches 101 meters high. The construction of the cathedral began in 1995 and was completed in 2004, making it the newest cathedral in Georgia.

The Sameba Cathedral was built to commemorate 1,500 years of the autocephaly of the Georgian Orthodox Church and to serve as the main center of the Georgian Orthodox Church. The cathedral is known for its beautiful frescoes, impressive interior, and beautiful acoustics. It can accommodate up to 15,000 people at once, making it one of the largest Orthodox cathedrals in the world.

In addition to its religious significance, Sameba Cathedral is also an architectural marvel that combines traditional Georgian and modern styles. The cathedral's exterior is adorned with intricate carvings and mosaics, while its interior features a beautiful nave, ornate chandeliers, and stunning stained glass windows.

Visitors can explore the cathedral and its beautiful grounds, which include a tranquil garden with a fountain and a large bell tower. The cathedral also hosts various religious events and concerts throughout the year. A visit to Sameba Cathedral is a must for anyone visiting Tbilisi, both for its religious and cultural significance and its sheer beauty.

Nearest to Sameba Cathedral

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