Sairme Pillars

The Sairme Pillars are a majestic sight to behold, a testament to the incredible geological processes that sculpt our planet over countless millennia. Nestled between the villages of Alpana and Chreloba in the Lechkhumi region of Georgia, these towering formations stand as formidable sentinels in the wilderness, punctuating the skyline with their towering presence. The Sairme Pillars can be observed from the main road that connects the Racha and Lechkhumi regions, even presenting a dreamlike spectacle under the right nocturnal illumination, appearing as ethereal towers suspended amidst the clouds.

The journey to these magnificent pillars commences from the main road, with an easily accessible 2.5-kilometer (or approximately 1.55 miles) walking trail marked with guiding signs, ensuring that explorers won't lose their way in the encompassing woods. This out-and-back trail, surrounded by natural beauty and tranquility, offers an immersive, approximately three-hour round trip trek.

Around 200 meters (or about 656 feet) from the pillars, you will find the remnants of the ancient St. George Church nestled above, bearing silent witness to the passage of time. Once, this area was home to a bustling community, evidence of which now only survives in the form of lingering apple orchards.

The quickest route to the trailhead of the Sairme Pillars starts from Ambrolauri Town in Racha. Travelers from Tbilisi can take a minibus headed for Tchrebalo Village from Okriba Station, while those coming from Kutaisi can head to Tsageri.

After the initial drive, the journey continues on foot as the path becomes narrower and steeper, winding its way uphill through the dense forest. At its culmination, the trail leads to the peak of a mountain situated 680 meters (or about 2231 feet) above sea level, where the ruins of the medieval Virgin Mary's Church can be found. A few more kilometers of travel unveils the breathtaking panorama of the Sairme Pillars, a reward well worth the effort.

The distances to the Sairme Pillars from major cities are: Tbilisi - 251 kilometers (or about 156 miles), Kutaisi - 48 kilometers (or about 30 miles), and Ambrolauri - 35 kilometers (or about 22 miles).

Nearest to Sairme Pillars

Distances shown are straight-line, calculated automatically from coordinates, and may not reflect actual travel distance. They do not account for altitude, terrain, or obstacles. Not suitable for itinerary planning or emergencies. For entertainment use only.