Chronicle Of Georgia

Overlooking Tbilisi from Mount Keeni, the Chronicle of Georgia monument offers visitors a unique perspective on Georgian history and culture. Also known as the History Memorial of Georgia or Georgian Stonehenge, this impressive structure pays homage to the nation's imperial past, literary achievements, and the role of Christianity.

Created by renowned Georgian sculptor Zurab Tsereteli in the 1980s, the Chronicle of Georgia features 16 towering pillars, each standing over 30 meters tall. The bronze pillars depict significant historical and religious events, scenes from Georgian literature, and notable figures such as King Mirian III, Queen Tamar, and poet Shota Rustaveli. The lower sections illustrate key events in Jesus Christ's life, while the upper sections showcase Georgian royalty, heroes, and illustrations from the earliest known Georgian hagiography, The Martyrdom of the Holy Queen Shushanik by Iakob Tsurtaveli.

The monument offers stunning views of the Tbilisi Sea and the surrounding countryside, making it an ideal spot for photography enthusiasts. Despite its growing popularity, the Chronicle of Georgia remains a relatively undiscovered attraction, allowing visitors to enjoy the site without the usual crowds.

To reach the Chronicle of Georgia, visitors can take a taxi from the city center or a minibus (marshrutka) from Sarajishvili Metro station. The journey provides an opportunity to explore the vibrant Soviet architecture and experience the peacefulness of this unique destination.

As a symbol of national pride and a celebration of Georgia's rich history, the Chronicle of Georgia monument is a must-visit for anyone traveling to Tbilisi. Its captivating carvings, beautiful mosaics, and awe-inspiring views create a memorable experience that showcases the artistic and cultural heritage of the nation.

Nearest to Chronicle Of Georgia

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