Gori Fortress

Gori Fortress, an Immovable Cultural Monument of National Significance, stands proudly atop a rocky hill in the center of Gori, Georgia. With a history dating back to the 13th century and evidence of human habitation as far back as the first millennium BCE, the fortress has played a crucial role in Georgia's military and cultural past.

The strategic location of Gori Fortress was highly sought-after, as controlling it meant dominating the entire Shida Kartli region. Over the centuries, rulers of Kartli and Kakheti, Mongols, Persians, and Ottomans all fought to claim this key citadel. In the 19th century, a Russian battalion was stationed within its walls.

Throughout its tumultuous history, Gori Fortress was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt. The current structure dates back to 1775 when King Erekle II oversaw its reconstruction using 16th-century artworks as guidance. The fortress features an oval-shaped wall, made from a blend of cobblestone and hewn stone, reaching heights of up to ten meters. The western side is further fortified by the Tskhrakara (Nine-door in Georgian), and the fortress also boasts a tunnel for water access and a surrounding moat.

Though the 1920 earthquake inflicted significant damage on Gori Fortress, it remains an impressive and well-preserved example of Georgian military architecture. Visitors can explore the fortress free of charge and marvel at the ruins of a small church within its walls.

Experience Georgia's rich military history at Gori Fortress, a testament to the region's past and the strategic importance of the Shida Kartli region.

Nearest to Gori Fortress

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