Mount Shkhara

Mount Shkhara, located on the border between Georgia and Kabardino-Balkaria in the Russian Federation, reigns supreme as the pinnacle of Georgian peaks. Standing tall at 5,203 meters (17,059 feet), Shkhara is Georgia's highest point and the third highest in the Greater Caucasus Mountain Range, surpassed only by Dykh-Tau and Elbrus.

The challenges presented by Mount Shkhara's terrain are both compelling and intimidating to mountaineers worldwide. Its landscape is an array of craggy crevasses, treacherous scree, perilous steep slopes, and knife-edge ridges. With no routes of medium difficulty, this 5,203-meter (17,059-foot) high peak beckons only to those climbers with the most advanced skills, earning its reputation as one of Georgia's most demanding summits.

Its majestic setting, nestled between the northern Bezengi Glacier and the southern Shkhara Glacier, further enhances the mountain's allure. Shkhara forms part of the Bezengi Wall massif, a sprawling ridge spanning around 11-12 kilometers (6.8-7.5 miles) and offering some of the most demanding expeditions in Europe.

Shkhara, a nine-summit mountain, each peak a testament to its grandeur, provides up to 10 routes of the highest difficulty levels for climbers. Among these is the "Beqnu" route, named after the Georgian climber Beqnu Khergiani. This combined route demands proficiency in rock climbing, ropework, and optimum physical fitness.

The mountain has been the stage for numerous significant climbs throughout history. The first successful ascent was made by a British team in 1888. In 1969, Georgian climbers accomplished a noteworthy traverse of the Bezengi Wall. As recently as 2019, Georgian climbers made history with the first winter ascent of Shkhara.

A conquest of Mount Shkhara holds immense prestige in mountaineering circles. More than just a peak, it is an emblem of Georgia's natural splendor and a thrilling challenge for adventurers worldwide.

Nearest to Mount Shkhara

Distances shown are straight-line, calculated automatically from coordinates, and may not reflect actual travel distance. They do not account for altitude, terrain, or obstacles. Not suitable for itinerary planning or emergencies. For entertainment use only.