Kulbaki Lakes

Immerse yourself in the tranquil beauty of the Kulbaki Lakes, tucked away in Georgia's enchanting Lechkhumi region. The twin aquatic jewels, the Green Lake and Babushkino Lake, nestled amidst verdant forests and majestic mountains, offer a serene retreat from the bustling urban life.

Kulbaki, an hour's drive from the dynamic city of Kutaisi, is a charming village in the lap of unspoiled wilderness. Known for its awe-inspiring Khvamli mountain, cascading waterfalls, and pristine surroundings, Kulbaki offers the perfect escape into nature's arms.

Take a moment to explore the fascinating history of Green Lake. What was once a sprawling marshland was magically transformed by the passion and dedication of a local farmer, Kakha Gasviani. His love for nature and fishing inspired him to create a paradise for fellow enthusiasts. With a bit of ingenuity, he dammed the marshland, created a trout farm, and established a quaint restaurant and hotel, hence giving birth to the Green Lake we know today.

Fast forward to the present day, Green Lake is a magnet for nature lovers and adventure seekers. Visitors can enjoy a variety of experiences, from riding horses up the mountain to embarking on a serene boat ride on the placid lake. The thrill of catching your own trout and savoring its succulent flavors is a memory to cherish for a lifetime.

The Green Lake and Babushkino Lake, lying just 300 meters (about 328 yards) apart and resting at elevations of 955 meters (3,133 feet) and 990 meters (3,248 feet) above sea level respectively, are hidden treasures of the Kulbaki village. The ethereal beauty of the forested mountains, the intoxicatingly fresh air, the soothing tranquility of nature, and the gently rippling lakes have an irresistible allure.

Whether you drive up to the lakes or choose to tread on the exhilarating hiking trails, for example - the village of Zubi - Askhi massif - Kulbaki, the scenic vistas and tranquil ambiance of the Kulbaki Lakes will leave you enchanted.

Nearest to Kulbaki Lakes

Distances shown are straight-line, calculated automatically from coordinates, and may not reflect actual travel distance. They do not account for altitude, terrain, or obstacles. Not suitable for itinerary planning or emergencies. For entertainment use only.