Miniature Park

Journey through Georgia's rich architectural history at the Miniature Park in Shekvetili, a captivating attraction showcasing the nation's most iconic monuments. This fascinating park features around 50 intricately crafted miniatures representing the diverse cultural heritage found across Georgia, accompanied by informative boards detailing their historical significance.

Open from Monday to Saturday between 11am and midnight, and on Sundays from midday to midnight, the park is beautifully illuminated in the evening, creating a magical ambiance. The Miniature Park also houses a visitors' center, complete with a mini-amphitheater, cafés, and relaxation areas, ensuring a delightful experience for all.

Funded by the "Cartu" charity foundation and gifted to the state, the well-maintained Miniature Park in Shekvetili showcases impressive replicas of Mtskheta Cross, Svetitskhoveli, Svan towers, Alaverdi, Old Tbilisi, Bagrati Cathedral, and Nikortsminda, among others. Each model pays close attention to the original monument's design and landscape, providing an immersive experience that increases appreciation for Georgia's ancient architecture.

A popular destination in Guria, the Miniature Park draws locals and tourists alike, offering an unparalleled opportunity to explore Georgia's cultural treasures all in one place.

Nearest to Miniature Park

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