Upland Park

Upland Park, also known as Memorial Nagorny or Upper Park, is perched high above the coastal area of Baku, Azerbaijan. This serene and picturesque park offers visitors a breathtaking view of the Bay of Baku, Primorsky Boulevard, the old town Icheri Sheher, the Maiden Tower, and the Shirvanshakh's Palace.

Visitors can ascend to Upland Park from Primorsky Boulevard either by taking the cableway from the Carpet Museum's terminal or by climbing the nearby stairway. The stairway option provides a unique opportunity to witness the beauty of Baku and its bay from various vantage points, making the climb a rewarding experience.

Upon reaching the upper cableway terminal, visitors can explore sites representing different periods in Azerbaijan's history, including an ancient mosque from the Islamic period, a monument to a Soviet Union hero, and the futuristic Flame Towers.

The park also serves as a memorial, with alleys dedicated to soldiers and officers who perished during the Nagorno Karabakh War in 1992 and the events of "Black January" in 1990. The Shahid's Alley, located on the slope of Nagorny Park, commemorates those who lost their lives during the Soviet Army's suppression of political opposition in January 1990. The park's alleys converge at the Eternal Flame, a symbol of remembrance for Azerbaijan's fallen heroes.

Upland Park is a must-visit destination in Baku, combining stunning panoramic views with a solemn memorial, honoring the city's rich history and the sacrifices made by its people. Best of all, entry to the park is free, making it accessible for all visitors to experience its beauty and significance.

Nearest to Upland Park

Distances shown are straight-line, calculated automatically from coordinates, and may not reflect actual travel distance. They do not account for altitude, terrain, or obstacles. Not suitable for itinerary planning or emergencies. For entertainment use only.