Batumi Lighthouse

Batumi Lighthouse is an iconic landmark of the city of Batumi, located on the Black Sea coast in southwestern Georgia. Built in 1864, the lighthouse has played an important role in guiding ships into the harbor of Batumi. The tower stands 20 meters (65 feet) tall and is painted with alternating white and black stripes.

The lighthouse was constructed during the Ottoman Empire period and has undergone several renovations throughout its history. It is now equipped with modern navigational equipment and is operated by the Georgian Maritime Transport Agency.

The lighthouse is situated in a picturesque location and is a popular spot for taking photos. Nearby, visitors can also find a small park with benches and a playground.

It is a must-visit attraction for anyone interested in the history of Batumi's maritime heritage and for those who appreciate stunning views of the Black Sea coastline.

Nearest to Batumi Lighthouse

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