Wildlife Protection In The Georgian Black Sea

Exploring The Vital Efforts To Preserve Biodiversity In Georgia's Black Sea
Cover image © Donna Garcia

Georgia's Black Sea region is facing a multifaceted environmental crisis that not only threatens its diverse wildlife but also poses serious risks to human health and the economy. This article delves into the efforts and challenges in wildlife protection in this vital area, focusing on key initiatives and the ongoing battle against pollution, habitat destruction, and biodiversity loss.

The Crisis In The Black Sea

The Black Sea, shared by Europe and Asia, is currently one of the most environmentally degraded regional seas in the world. Factors contributing to this alarming situation include marine litter, hazardous chemicals, and microplastics. The main source of pollutants is the rivers leading to the Black Sea, which drain 17 countries. This has resulted in a decline in water quality, affecting both the environment and human health across Georgia and neighboring countries. The impact on the tourism industry further exacerbates the economic challenges faced by local communities​​.

Historical Timeline Of The Black Sea's Degradation

The degradation of the Black Sea has a long history, marked by several critical events. Notable among these are the disappearance of oysters in the late 1940s due to invasive species, a dramatic ecosystem collapse between 1973-1990, and warnings in the early 1990s about the sea becoming devoid of life. These events have led to significant efforts to address the crisis, such as the formation of the Black Sea Commission and initiatives like the “Waste Free Rivers for Clean Black Sea”​​.

Current Conservation Efforts

Several organizations are actively working to protect the diverse wildlife of the Black Sea region. The Caretta Research Project, for example, focuses on the conservation of loggerhead sea turtles. This organization employs a multifaceted approach involving research, conservation, education, and advocacy. Their activities, such as hands-on research and public education programs, aim to increase the survival chances of sea turtles in the area​​.

The Georgia Sea Turtle Cooperative is another key player in the region. This cooperative consists of volunteers, researchers, and agency employees who work together to protect sea turtle nests during the nesting season. They collaborate with various organizations, including the Caretta Foundation and the Georgia Sea Turtle Center, to ensure the effective conservation of these marine animals​​.

The Role Of The Black Sea Commission

The Black Sea Commission is instrumental in addressing the environmental challenges in the Black Sea. Its work includes monitoring pollution, conserving biodiversity, ensuring the safety of shipping, and managing fisheries. The commission collaborates with international organizations and NGOs, implements various projects, and raises public awareness about the Black Sea's environmental issues​​.


The protection of wildlife in the Georgian Black Sea region is a complex and challenging task, requiring coordinated efforts from multiple stakeholders. While significant progress has been made in recent years, ongoing efforts are crucial to combat pollution, protect biodiversity, and ensure the sustainability of this vital ecosystem. The combined efforts of government bodies, NGOs, and local communities are essential to preserving the unique wildlife of the Black Sea and safeguarding the health and livelihoods of the people who depend on it.

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