Dusheti Local Museum

In the Dusheti Municipality, nestled within the Milakhvriantkari settlement, lies the Dusheti Local Museum, a treasure trove of ancient history. Founded in 1949, the museum showcases more than 9,000 objects that span from the early Bronze Age to the late Middle Ages, offering a fascinating look into Georgia's rich historical and cultural past.

One of the remarkable features of the museum is the diversity of its collection. This includes an array of fabric samples, traditional clothing, and accessories that once adorned the inhabitants of mountainous Eastern Georgia. The museum's textile collection beautifully highlights the region's traditional weaving craft through 19th-century carpets and Eastern Georgian kilims.

The ceramic display showcases a variety of dishes, including unique glazed ones, providing a glimpse into the everyday life of past eras. Meanwhile, the museum's archaeological items, discovered both through expeditions and by chance within the Dusheti area, offer valuable insights into early human settlements and their development through different periods.

An intriguing part of the collection comprises tools and military weapons that date back to the 8th century BCE. Additionally, exquisite silver belts and daggers from the early 20th century signify the intricate craftsmanship of Georgian artisans during that era.

Beyond being a historical repository, the Dusheti Local Museum also serves as the cultural and educational hub of the Dusheti Municipality since 2008. By making the richness of Georgia's cultural heritage accessible to everyone, the museum actively promotes a broader understanding of the country's historical journey.

The museum's branches extend to the Gudani Ethnography Museum in the Village Korsha and the Daniel Chonkadze House Museum. Open every day except Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00, the Dusheti Local Museum welcomes history enthusiasts to immerse themselves in Georgia's cultural heritage, all free of charge.

Nearest to Dusheti Local Museum

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