Abano Pass

Abano Pass in Tusheti is the highest drivable pass in the Greater Caucasus mountain range, stretching from Omalo to Pshaveli. It's a 43-mile stretch of road that is known for being one of the most dangerous in Georgia, with steep climbs, tight turns, deep gorges, and no guard rails. Adventure drivers with a thirst for excitement will find the variety of the riding and the challenge of the unpaved surface thrilling. It reaches an elevation of 2,850m and is closed over the winter due to snow and ice. Visitors can reach the pass by traveling from Tbilisi to Pshaveli and starting their adventure from there.

Nearest to Abano Pass

Distances shown are straight-line, calculated automatically from coordinates, and may not reflect actual travel distance. They do not account for altitude, terrain, or obstacles. Not suitable for itinerary planning or emergencies. For entertainment use only.