Gelati Monastery

Cover image © Pavel Ageychenko

Gelati Monastery is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located near the city of Kutaisi in the Imereti region of Georgia. The monastery complex was founded in 1106 by King David IV of Georgia and served as a major center of learning and culture throughout the Middle Ages. The monastery features several stunning architectural elements, including a bell tower and a 12th-century church with frescoes and mosaics.

The Gelati Monastery is situated in a picturesque area surrounded by dense forests, making it a popular destination for nature lovers and hikers. Visitors can explore the ancient grounds and admire the breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

The distance from Kutaisi to Gelati Monastery is about 11 km (6.8 miles) and can be easily accessed by car or public transportation. Visitors should wear comfortable shoes and be prepared for some uphill walking, as the monastery is located on a hill.

Nearest to Gelati Monastery

Distances shown are straight-line, calculated automatically from coordinates, and may not reflect actual travel distance. They do not account for altitude, terrain, or obstacles. Not suitable for itinerary planning or emergencies. For entertainment use only.

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