Chiatura Drama Theatre

Amidst Chiatura's natural splendor and rich cultural tapestry lies an impressive embodiment of the city's theatrical legacy, the Akaki Tsereteli Drama Theatre. Like a silent sentinel overlooking the city's central square, this historic venue has been regaling audiences with captivating performances since the 19th century.

In 1901, the theatre's curtains lifted for the first time to a rousing production of Akaki Tsereteli’s “The Little Kakhi.” This marked the beginning of a cultural renaissance that saw the establishment of a resident troupe by 1910, leading to memorable portrayals of Shakespearean classics, masterpieces by Molière, Lope De Vega, as well as Georgian plays by Polikarpe Kakabadze and Davit Kldiashvili. Notably, the theatre's rendition of Kakabadze's "Kvarkvare Tutaberi" set the gold standard, with Mikheil Vashadze’s performance as Kvarkvare becoming the stuff of legends.

The theatre's influence and stature were not only limited to Chiatura but were acknowledged internationally as well. In the 1950s, the theatre bagged Soviet festival prizes twice, and later clinched a victory at the International Hungary Theatre Festival.

The theatre was given a new lease of life in 1949, with a magnificent building christened in the name of the Georgian poet, Akaki Tsereteli. Standing proudly opposite the railway station, the structure's grandeur is encapsulated in its monumental facade adorned with tall arches, ornate iron detailing, and a regal statue of Tsereteli, deep in thought. A Soviet-style stone frieze featuring Stalin in profile, encircled by seven workers and children, adds a striking touch to the theatre's exterior.

Inside, the theatre reveals an exquisitely decorated interior, capable of hosting more than 600 spectators (around 1500 sq ft). Whether you're a patron of the arts or a history enthusiast, a visit to the Akaki Tsereteli Drama Theatre is a rendezvous with Chiatura's vibrant cultural past and dynamic present.

Nearest to Chiatura Drama Theatre

Distances shown are straight-line, calculated automatically from coordinates, and may not reflect actual travel distance. They do not account for altitude, terrain, or obstacles. Not suitable for itinerary planning or emergencies. For entertainment use only.

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