Merisi Waterfall

Journey through Ajara's lush wilderness and you'll encounter Merisi Waterfall, a stunning spectacle of nature that cascades 30 meters (approximately 98 feet) down the verdant cliffs. Located near the serene village of Merisi, this waterfall offers a refreshing respite from the heat of summer days.

To reach the waterfall, visitors embark on a brief but scenic walk of about 100 meters (328 feet) along a narrow forest path, surrounded by an enchanting array of rhododendrons. From the administrative center of Keda, the waterfall is just a 13-kilometer (approximately 8 miles) journey, leading you into the heart of Ajara's majestic wilderness.

An ascent along staircases equipped with handrails provides a panoramic view of the landscape. For those seeking a more dramatic vista, a cable car ride is also an option, offering a breathtaking bird's eye view of the scenery.

Beneath the waterfall, a natural pool invites visitors for a refreshing swim in the cool water. For a relaxing timeout, nearby huts provide a peaceful spot to rest, while a local cafe offers a taste of delectable Ajarian cuisine. You might even consider planning a memorable picnic by the falls, complete with Ajarian wine to toast the picturesque surroundings.

The village of Merisi, renowned for its charming family hotels, is also worth a visit. Many of these establishments celebrate the region's rich folklore, offering masterclasses to deepen visitors' understanding of local myths and legends.

While in the area, don't miss out on other local attractions such as the therapeutic mineral spring of Gundauri, the ruins of the ancient Zendidi fortress, and the awe-inspiring views of Keda. Each of these experiences adds another layer of richness to your exploration of the diverse and mesmerizing region of Ajara.

Nearest to Merisi Waterfall

Distances shown are straight-line, calculated automatically from coordinates, and may not reflect actual travel distance. They do not account for altitude, terrain, or obstacles. Not suitable for itinerary planning or emergencies. For entertainment use only.