Patriarchate Of Georgia

Situated on the eastern side of Erekle II Square, in the heart of Tbilisi, lies the Patriarchate of Georgia. This notable edifice stands on a site that has seen centuries of Georgian history, beginning with the palace of King Rostom that once graced the location.

In 1809, the area was transformed as the construction of a new building commenced on the ruins of the old palace. This construction was meant to serve as the abode for the representative of Tsarist Russia. Over time, it became the seat of the Exarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, and housed his services.

Despite the multiple renovations this building has undergone, it has managed to preserve some of the classicist motifs on its façades, hinting at its rich past. For a period extending until the 1980s, this building was utilized as a division for civil militia, before being repurposed into the Georgian Art Institute.

In 1990, the complex underwent another transformation when it was handed over to the Catholicos-Patriarch to serve as his residence and a hub for church services. Today, this building serves as a unifying center for Georgian patriarchal institutions under the Georgian Orthodox Church. It assists the Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia in executing his executive power with the help of its departments and services.

The Patriarchate has made a considerable impact on modern Georgia too. It has its own publishing house, reaching out to the faithful and beyond through the printed word. Furthermore, it has taken strides in the digital era with its own radio and television outlets, making the Patriarchate a unique blend of the old and the new, tradition and innovation.

As such, the Patriarchate of Georgia remains a tangible symbol of Georgia's past while playing an active role in shaping its present and future, an embodiment of the deep-rooted faith and evolving dynamism of Georgia.

Nearest to Patriarchate Of Georgia

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