Kvareli Fortress

Immersed in the heart of Kvareli city, in Georgia's Kakheti region, stands the formidable Kvareli Fortress. Dating back to the 16th-17th centuries, this monument not only preserves the region's military history but also hosts a remarkable modern spectacle – a football pitch nestled within its ancient walls.

FC Kvareli Duruji, who play in the Georgian 5th Division, have the privilege of practicing and competing on this historic ground. Imagine the thrill of playing amidst the echoes of the past, within the confines of a medieval fortress! This home ground of Duruji is recognized as one of a kind due to its location within the Kvareli Fortress. As you traverse the city, catching sight of a football game in full swing within the fortress walls would be an exhilarating sight indeed!

The fortress, constructed primarily from cobblestones, features a squared layout, accented with Georgian bricks. It was a key defensive asset during times of conflict, with a particularly significant role during the 1755 war, where it successfully defended against a 20,000-strong Avar soldier invasion.

The fortress's architectural grandeur manifests in the presence of cylindrical towers at each corner and additional towers along the eastern, western, and northern walls. Despite some damage and subsequent restoration, the fortress remains an impressive sight, symbolizing Georgia's resilience and strength.

Stepping into the Kvareli Fortress means stepping into a rich history, while also witnessing the striking contrast of a football game unfolding within the fortress confines – a testament to the city's unique blend of the old and the new.

Nearest to Kvareli Fortress

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