Artifacts Preservation In Georgia

Uncovering The Role Of Georgia's National Agency In Protecting Cultural Treasures

Georgia, a country rich in history and cultural heritage, has an extensive and varied archaeological record. This article delves into the preservation of artifacts in Georgia, highlighting key discoveries, preservation efforts, and challenges.

Notable Archaeological Discoveries

Georgia's archaeological history is rich with significant discoveries that have greatly enhanced our understanding of its ancient civilizations. The burial mound excavated in eastern Georgia in 2012, with its assortment of gold, silver, fine pottery, and bronze weapons, offers a glimpse into the burial practices and societal status of ancient Georgians. Complementing this, the genomes found in Satsurblia Cave, the early human fossils at the Dmanisi archaeological site, artifacts from the Vani settlement, the ancient rock carvings on the Prehistoric Rock Art Trails, and the discovery of Oldowan tools, all contribute to a nuanced understanding of Georgia's historical and cultural tapestry. These discoveries, ranging from insights into human evolution, biodiversity, spiritual and cultural practices, to early human tool-making processes, collectively underline the depth and richness of Georgia's past, emphasizing the critical importance of artifact preservation.

Satsurblia Cave Satsurblia Cave Dmanisi Archaeological Site Dmanisi Archaeological Site

The Georgian National Agency For Cultural Heritage Preservation

The National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia (NACHPG) plays a pivotal role in artifact preservation. Established in 2008, it oversees the implementation of the national cultural heritage policy, including the conservation, rehabilitation, protection, and promotion of both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. The agency issues permits for works on heritage sites and monitors their implementation, ensuring the preservation and promotion of Georgia's rich cultural legacy.

Museums And Research Centers

The National Museum of Georgia and the G. Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation are critical in the study and preservation of Georgian artifacts. They undertake archaeological excavations, scientific research, and play a significant role in the conservation and exhibition of artifacts. These institutions not only preserve artifacts but also provide valuable information about Georgia's history and cultural evolution.

Georgian National Museum Georgian National Museum

Efforts In Protecting And Promoting Heritage

Georgia's commitment to preserving its archaeological heritage is also evident in its inclusion in the Prehistoric Rock Art Trails, showcasing the country's ancient rock carvings. This inclusion underlines the global significance of Georgia's archaeological sites and the efforts to protect and promote them.

Challenges And Future Directions

Despite these efforts, the preservation of artifacts in Georgia faces challenges, including environmental threats and the need for more resources for research and conservation. The country continues to work towards enhancing its preservation capabilities, with plans for infrastructure like protective domes over key archaeological sites and the expansion of museum facilities to accommodate the growing interest in Georgia's heritage.


The preservation of artifacts in Georgia is a multifaceted endeavor, involving significant archaeological discoveries, dedicated institutions, and national commitment to protecting cultural heritage. While challenges remain, the ongoing efforts ensure that Georgia's rich history and cultural heritage are preserved for future generations.

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